Red Harbour Safe Haven for Startups

2021-06-12: Nederlandse wetenschappers kritisch over uitbesteding ict-diensten aan VS techbedrijven (FD)


2021-06-03: United Airlines Wants to Bring Back Supersonic Air Travel (NYT)


2021-05-28: Hoe smaakt een genetisch veredelde maaltijd (FD)


2021-05-28: Universiteiten wurgen hun eigen startups (FD)


2021-05-07: Zweden vormt een vruchtbare voedingsbodem voor eenhoorns (FD)


2021-04-01: Zo word je een activistisch merk (zonder loze beloftes) (MT/Sprout)


2021-03-23: Zorgt zeewier voor milieuvriendelijke koeien? (Change Inc.)


2021-03-23: 24 miljoen extra voor kunstmatige intelligentie, medische- en watertechnologie startups (Rijksoverheid)


2021-03-21: Nederland strijdtoneel van start-ups die binnen tien minuten pot pindakaas bezorgen (FD)


2021-03-19: 24 EU Member States commit at Digital Day to take action to support growth of EU Startups (EC)


2021-03-16: Windmolen zonder wieken


2021-03-15: Deze HR-tech startups maken de werkvloer diverser (MT/Sprout)


2021-03-12: Van matrix organisatie naar Agile werken (MT/Sprout)


2021-03-12: Iedereen kan energie halen uit zijn eigen afvalwater (NRC)


2021-03-10: Eén test voor alle infectieziekten: nieuw apparaatje maakt het mogelijk (NOS)


2021-03-09: Kunstmatige intelligentie leert sneller met quantumtechnologie (Universiteit Leiden)


2021-03-05: Het snelste elektrische vliegtuig ter wereld zet eerste stapjes (Change Inc.)


2021-03-05: Nieuwe supercomputer SURF/SARA (NRC)


2021-03-01: Meer geld nodig voor start-ups (WNL)


2021-02-08: Amsterdamse Startups halen recordbedag van 910 miljoen euro op in 2020


2021-02-08: Code Sandbox wint de Young Business Award (MT/Sprout)


2021-02-03: Report Why Startups fail available (CB Insights)


2021-01-26: Finalisten voor Startup van het jaar zijn bekend (MT/Sprout)


2021-01-11: Technologiemonitor 2020 Quantumtechnologie (STT)


2020-12-07: IJslandse computers slurpen de groene energie op voor bitcoins (De Groene)

Growth accelerator for startups & scaleups

Start with a valuable idea

Great that you have an idea! And if not, it may still come. Maybe you are still in a creative process to come up with an idea. The idea is just the beginning. If you have an idea that solves an important problem that customers are willing to pay for then youve made big progress already.

For the entrepreneur

Do you have the qualities to go from idea to a successful company? You probably know this for yourself. You yourself are the most determining factor for the success of your company. You can develop yourself further in all aspects of entrepreneurship or look for a business partner who is good at the aspects that you are less good at. More...

Focus and Accelerate

Determine the right direction and create focus to make speed. Take the opportunities that lie in the market and be earlier and faster than your competition. Many preceeded you like unicorns as Adyen, Mollie, Messagebid and Bunq. Also many startup ideas are stranded somewhere because of missing the right direction or because the competition was ahead of them. This would often not have been necessary if the founders had approached it differently. Don't let this happen!

Use a growth accelerator

If you stand on the shoulders of giants you can look further (after Newton). The giants are the predecessors who have done a lot of work that you can make use of. This allows you to determine your goal and the road to your goal more sharply. That makes you go faster. The growth accelerator forms the shoulders of Newton giants. Red Harbour offers such a growth accelerator. Get good advice so that you can work smart and focus fully on the growth of your company. The growth accelerator is based on LEAN Startup more...

Growth Accelerator for Startups en Scaleups

NL  -  UK

Red Harbour Services

Red Harbour supports startups and scaleups with a growth accelerator/incubator to fulfill the dream of the entrepreneur. Coach and advisor for the entrepreneur who wants faster, better and cheaper. For fintech, cleantech and medtech with an idea. Focused on the Netherlands, with Utrecht, Amsterdam, Delft, Eindhoven and Wageningen as the main working area. Extensive information with examples and free templates can be found on this website. Working method based on LEAN Startup from Eric Ries supports with working methods for financing, marketing, website development, SEO and product development.