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Red Harbour Safe Haven for Startups

Growth accelerator for startups & scaleups

The Startup Entrepreneur

Seven Golden Coins Model

Red Harbour uses the 7 golden coins model below to describe the main qualities of an entrepreneur. Ideally an entrepreneur has all  7 qualities.


The vision is the compas of the entrepreneur. The vision is often based on personal beliefs and expertise. The vision fuels the  other goldens coins.


The ability to sell the company and product. Strong personal presentation and pitching skills. Sense commercial opportunities. Marketing and Sales skills. Price strategist. Convincing and empathic to customers.


The ability to emphatize with customers, personell and business partners. Empathy is important to build relationships and better products. The ability to empathize with the customers enables the entrepreneur to make products that customers want. An empathic leader of the company also attracts talented personel. 


The ability to dare something new while others think differently. Dare to stand out from the group. Be prepared for both winning and losing. Take risk but don't be irresponsible.


Willpower to achieve goals. Focus. Energetic. Drive is the force for realizing the vision.  


The ability to respond to changing insights and circumstancis. A proper balance in perseverence to achieve goals and changing direction. 


Strategic financial insight. Knowing the driving income and cost factors. Profit aware. Price strategist. Liquidity safety. Looking ahead. 

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