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About Hans Rood who is background CV experience interest drives focus entrepreneur startup scaleup


Red Harbour Safe Haven for Startups

Growth accelerator for startups & scaleups

I work as an independent entrepreneur and am the owner of Red Harbour.


Most of my career I have worked as a program, project and line manager for corporate companies. Realization of change has always been my greatest strength. These corporate companies gave me the opportunity to work in a great diversity of disciplines.


I have always had a strong focus on innovation and improvement, both on the human - and on the content/technical side. I have laid a strong foundation with a university education in computer science. I am people-oriented and have a strong belief that change is driven by people. Technology and processes are the enablers.


With the foundation of Red Harbour, I shifted my focus to sharing knowledge and experience with startups and scaleups. During a period of eight years I led a team (up to 25 employees) of transition managers. During this period I gained a lot of experience in supporting people with there personal growth and the challenges they experience while leading a transition. Now I use this experience in providing growth acceleration to startups and scaleups.


Can I help you or do you want to know more about me? Please do not hesitate to contact me. I am always open to meet you!


Hans Rood

About Hans Rood

NL  -  UK

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